The mind is also a muscle!

Has today been a busy day for you?

Maybe you have struggled to fit in any exercise.

Don't get stressed about it, thinking can be just as good for you.

Sometimes, when we talk about exercise,

we concentrate on the muscles of the body that we can see,

without thinking about the other major muscle of our body, the mind.

It is just as important to exercise the mind as it is for the body,

Exercising the mind can improve anxiety levels, our general attitude and our knowledge.



Sometimes we just don't realise how much benefit can be had from the mind.

Just thinking about something positive can make us feel better.

Do a little research into something that interests you,

learn something new,

The article I am writing, to be released on Sunday 22nd September,

looks at the possibilities of exercising the mind as well as the body,

See you on Sunday xx