From personal experience I know that when you are overweight, you can start to feel awkward about some things, like clothes shopping or going swimming for example.
You start to think negatively about these things and this can then turn to negative thoughts about the way people see you.
This can also turn to anxiety about your everyday life and about your own image.
This then causes you to seek out a diet that you keep to for a short time, losing a little weight and improving your exercise levels. After you have lost some weight, you become frustrated at either the slowness of the results or the restrictive nature of the diet, resulting in you stopping the diet and slowly but surely, returning to your original weight again.
This then takes you back to the start by increasing your anxiety again because you see yourself as failing in the diet.
This shows the connection between your diet, exercise and anxiety.
Anxiety => Increased weight => Anxiety => Diet => Exercise => Frustration => Increased weight =>Anxiety
My aim with Better Bodies and Minds, is to replace the temporary diet with a new way of looking at food that you can carry forward into everyday life, increase your exercise levels steadily and improve your state of mind using a combination of meditation and motivation techniques.
If you think this sounds too much or it ‘isn’t my way of doing things’, don’t worry, bear with me and I will show you that it works.
You owe it to yourself to improve your life, start feeling better about everything and get motivated!